Our top priority is to help keep your business operate more cost-effectively. Every type of business benefits financially by accepting credit cards.
With more than 500 million credit cards in use domestically, US credit card charges recorded for 1999 along reached $1.1 TRILLION!
Accepting credit cards can increase sales by as much as 40% and improve your "bottom line". Don't lose those customers that want to shop with "plastic"!
More sales: Studies show that credit card customers spend 2-1/2 times more than customers who only carry cash.
Impulse Buying: Credit cards give customers the freedom to buy previously unplanned purchases.
More Expensive Merchandise: Credit cards allow customers to purchase more expensive merchandise than they had originally planned to buy.
Competitive Weapon: Credit card customers are often less conscious of slight price differences and will seek out businesses that offer credit card payment options.
Enhanced Advertising: Since customers are more likely to shop at businesses where credit cards are accepted, they tend to look for and read those ads first.
Steadier Sales: Cash shoppers buy heavier on paydays and just before holidays, while credit card customers buy whenever the need arises . . . thus reducing peaks and increasing daily revenue.
Customer Loyalty: Research shows customers who purchase with credit cards ten to return to the same business again.