The PaySaber is a wireless/mobile inventory management system and works well for:
- Golf Courses - for snack carts
- Restaurants - so that the card does not leave the customer's sight
- Street Fairs - to keep an accurate count of merchandise on hand and sold
A built-in Encrypted Swiper
comes built-in to the PaySaber for easy and secure swiping capabilities. The swiper reads level 1 and level 2 card data which is then encrypted at the time of swipe and sent over to the payment gateway for processing. Swiping a credit card during a transaction is important to keep a lower "retail" rate with the merchant bank. If you're using a device or software that does not support swiping than you are paying a higher rate per transaction and the PaySaber can save you money with every swipe.
An optional UPC Barcode Scanner
makes the PaySaber more than just a credit card machine; it makes it a complete point-of-sale system. Inside the USAePay PaySaber software is the ability to control a complete inventory of products which also contains the barcode [or SKU] for every product. Businesses can easily scan their products in at the time of purchase and PaySaber will calculate the total, taxes, discounts, etc.. and have the order ready to be paid for with a simple swipe.
Barcodes are also printed on all receipts so returns are as simple as scanning the receipt and clicking the process buttons. The PaySaber saves you time with every order.
A Quick, Integrated, Thermal Printer
is built into every PaySaber device to allow merchants to print receipts or detailed invoices on-site for their customers. Studies have shown that even in today's world of email and electronic statements most customers prefer receiving a physical receipt when making a purchase from a company. Yes, the PaySaber still gives the option of emailing a receipt to your customers but make your customers feel even more secure by offering them a printed receipt as well.
PaySaber's receipt printer is a 2.5" thermal receipt roll which can be purchased at most stores or point-0f-sale suppliers.
Product Database & Inventory Control
is a feature which allows merchants to easily view and control all their store's products through the PaySaber software. This transforms the software from your simple, low-end "credit card processing only" software to a full point-of-sale system which uses the the UPC bardcode scanner to quickly create an order and accept payment for it. At the same time the software will automatically update the database and inventory while orders are being placed so merchants can then view which items sell well, which sold out and which do not sell at all.
The same product database can be loaded into multiple iPhones/iPod Touch devices. This means if a company has multiple locations, sales reps, warehouses, etc... the database generated within the PaySaber software or uploaded on the USAePay web interface (a universal database between all the devices) which updates in real-time can help even the large, enterprise merchant keep a proper inventory.
Data Syncing & Real-Time Reporting
syncs the product database between devices (as mentioned above) and also syncs orders, open transactions and all previous batches. Merchants on the PaySaber system can also manage and view all their transactions, batches, products, client, etc... from an online interface. This allows an "admin account" on the system to view all transactions and updates from any devices on the account in real-time. The PaySaber online system also offers a variety of graphs, charts and custom reporting capabilities so merchants can easily view the trends of their sales.
Since all transactions, products, batches, etc. are always stored on the PaySaber secure online system businesses do not have to worry about any data ever being lost if their iPhone/iPod Touch ever gets lost, broken or stolen. When adding a device or replacing one, data is synced and the device is ready to go in a few minutes.
A Customer Database
within the PaySaber software allows businesses to easily handle repeat business and setup recurring payments. The customer database can store multiple payment methods for every customer entry so now a business can pull up a customer through their device and charge any of the multiple cards on file for a customer at time of purchase. Customers' recurring payments are setup within minutes for such things are memberships, bill payments or any other payments requiring reoccurring charges.
The best part is none of the sensitive card and customer data is stored on the device; everything is stored on the payment gateway. That way you can be sure that your data is always stored securely and if you ever lose, break or replace your iPhone or iPod all your data is waiting for you when you're ready to sync to it.
Contact us regarding the Paysaber inventory/POS system.